Xiaoshuo Lin Xiaoshuo Lin

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Undergraduate student in USTC
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China
Hefei, Anhui Province, P.R.China
E-mail: mail_address

About Me

2022.9-Present: Undergraduate, in the Hua Loo-Keng Talent Program in Mathematics, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and Technology of China.
2019.9-2022.6: Senior High School, The Affiliated High School of South China Normal University.

Lecture Materials

Some course materials that may be helpful :)

Mathematical Analysis 数学分析

  • My notes [pdf]

  • Assignments for Mathematical Analysis (A3) [pdf]

Real Analysis 实分析

Complex Analysis 复分析

Special Functions 特殊函数

Functional Analysis 泛函分析

Linear Algebra 线性代数

  • Lecture Notes on Linear Algebra [pdf]

  • My notes [pdf]

Modern Algebra 近世代数

Commutative Algebra 交换代数

Probability Theory 概率论

Applied Stochastic Processes 实用随机过程

Introduction to Differential Equations 微分方程引论

Foundations of Geometry 几何学基础

  • Lecture Notes on Foundations of Geometry [pdf]

Differential Geometry 微分几何

Topology 拓扑学

Algebraic Topology 代数拓扑

Differentiable Manifolds 微分流形

Algebraic Geometry 代数几何

Freshman Seminar “科学与社会”研讨课

  • Asymptotics and Numerical Approximation of the Riemann Zeta Function [pdf]

Fundamentals of Scientific Programming with Python 科学计算基础

  • My project [pdf]

Mechanics 力学

  • My cheat sheet [pdf]

Thermotics 热学

  • My cheat sheet [pdf]

Optics 光学

  • A Quick Review [pdf]

Atomic Physics 原子物理

  • A Quick Review [pdf]

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